Cue Collector - E.J. Riley Trade Catalogue 1931 E.J. Riley Trade Catalogue Circa 1931
This page contains images from trade catalogues or advertisements published by E.J. Riley Limited, showing the cues which E.J. Riley Limited had availale for sale.

© 2007 - Gordon Radford
The Cue Collector - E.J. Riley Limited Trade Catalogues
Shown below is an extract from a E.J. Riley catalogue which appears at the end of Riso Levi's book "Billiards: The Strokes of the Game - Pots, Cannons and In-Offs" (published circa 1931).

From left to right, the Riley cues shown are the EJR, the George Gray Facsimile, the Riley Ladies Cue and the Riley Cue.  Click on the links below to view these cues:

The extract also shows the Joe Davis Cue which is described as made to the specification used by Joe Davis: "Weight 17ozs; tip 11's; straight taper from tip to butt; best quality ash; brass ferrule; 4-splice ebony butt with bird's eye maple front-splice; butt french polished; ash shaft polished with French chalk; extra weight and rigidty make forcing and screw shots easier; control is easier because the weight is on the cue hand.

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